The Maasai Mara is a large game reserve in Narok County, Kenya, contiguous with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. It is named in honor of the Maasai people, the ancestral inhabitants of the area, and their description of the area when looked at from afar: “Mara” means “spotted” in the local Maasai language, due to the many trees, shrubs, cloud shadows, and animals that dot the landscape.

The Maasai Mara is globally renowned for its exceptional wildlife and annual migration of zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, and wildebeest to and from the Serengeti every year, known as the Great Migration. This event occurs from July to October and is one of the wonders of the natural world.

In terms of geographical coordinates, the Maasai Mara is located around 1.5 degrees south latitude and 35 degrees east longitude.

Park Fees

The Maasai Mara National Reserve is open year-round. The gates are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and it’s recommended that you have an experienced guide with you when exploring the reserve.



  • Non Resident Adults Inside the park – US$ 70
  • Non Resident outside the park – US$ 80
  • Non Resident Children inside the park – US$ 40
  • Non Resident Children outside the park -US$ 45
  • Non Resident Student Adult – US$ 40


  • Citizen Adults – Ksh. 1000
  • Citizen Children – Ksh. 300
  • Citizen Student – Ksh. 300


  • Resident Adult – Ksh 1,200
  • Resident Children – Ksh 500
  • Resident Student – Ksh 500

Resident rates are applicable to residents of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. You are required to present your National ID (for Kenyan citizens) or passport showing work permit or appropriate visa to prove your resident status upon entry into the park.

People with no passport are required to pay the nonresident rates. *Children rates are applicable to persons above 3 years but below 18 years. Persons under 3 years are free. *Student rates are only applicable for individuals aged up to 23 years old sponsored by a recognized learning institution with valid student’s ID, and must be authorized at least two weeks in advance. Students on personally arranged holidays are not permitted concession rates.

Vehicle charges – Per Vehicle Per Day

  • Vehicle 5 seats or less – Ksh. 400
  • Vehicle 6 seats but less than 12 – Ksh. 1,000
  • Vehicle 34 seats but less than 24 – Ksh. 3,000
  • Vehicle 25 seats but less than 44 – Ksh. 4,000
  • Vehicle 45 seats and above – Ksh. 5,000

Truck Charges – Per Visit

  • Truck 1-3 ton – Ksh. 700
  • Truck 4-7 ton – Ksh. 2,500
  • Truck 8 ton and above – Ksh. 3,500

Aircraft – Single Landing Fees

  • Aircraft with less than 3 seats – Ksh. 300
  • Aircraft 3 seats but less than 6 seats – Ksh. 500
  • Aircraft 7 seats but less than 14 seats – Ksh. 1000
  • Aircraft 15 seats but less than 20 seats – Ksh. 2000
  • Aircraft 21 seats and above – Ksh. 3000

Balloon Service

  • Operating permit – Ksh. 100,000
  • Landing fee per person per landing – US$ 50 child $20


  • 1-5 persons per week – Ksh. 30,000
  • 6-20 persons per week – Ksh. 50,000
  • Over 20 persons per week – Ksh. 100,000


  • Special Campsite reservation fee per week – Ksh. 10,000
  • Special Campsite cancellation fee on reserved sites – Ksh. 10,000
  • PRIVATE conservancies have a higher rate. Normally about US$80 pppd.


  • Horse riding fee per person per day Kshs 1,500
  • Annual research permit nonresident $400